3D mapping

3D Mapping of Your Site

Traditional black & white surveys can be hard to visualize and have limited use beyond an engineering standpoint. What happens when you need to market your property, monitor the progress of construction, or conduct inspections in difficult to reach areas? That’s where our Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Services provide the solution.

From Aerial Photography, to single Orthomosaic Images and 3D Survey Models of your site; our UAS Team will be able to deliver the information and answers you are looking for.

The first step in the process is to visit your project to collect images and data for processing into a final product. On this site in Loudoun County, our UAS Team is scanning the entire project site in a single flight mission with hundreds of high quality pictures. To improve accuracy, our team has incorporated multiple Ground Control Points (GCP’s) into the flight.

The next step will be to take all of this data acquired from the field and process it into a final deliverable product in our office. We can’t wait to see the results!

Aerial image of Pilots, GCP, and Landing Pad. (Picture taken from UAS).
Aerial image of Pilots, GCP, and Landing Pad. (Picture taken from UAS).


UAS Team Member measuring GCP horizontal and vertical location.
UAS Team Member measuring GCP horizontal and vertical location.


View of GCP measurement.
View of GCP measurement.


Aerial Image of stockpiles and site conditions.
Aerial Image of stockpiles and site conditions.


UAS Team Member measuring GCP horizontal and vertical location.
UAS Team Member measuring GCP horizontal and vertical location.


UAS preparing for takeoff.
UAS preparing for takeoff.


UAS flying to it's predetermined altitude.
UAS flying to it’s predetermined altitude.

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